Font Example 2:

List of Generic fonts

Use these with confidence when changing the Fonts within a web page.
One thing you can do to ensure that the font works on most browsers is make a list
that the OS will try. Systems are made to find a Font that works in comparision to the
Font that is required, so making a list it will go through each choice until it finds
one that is compatible. The list should end with a Generic font so if it goes through the list
at least it will find the last one works. To do this you must use font-family just as you would except
you seperate each font with a comma and put quotations marks around the fonts with more that one word.
font-family:"Lucida Console", Monaco, FreeSerif, Serif;
Here is a table with a list of similar fonts for the 3 main OS' today:

Font Equivalents

Windows Mac Linux
Arial Arial Nimbus Sans L
Arial Black Arial Black
Comic Sans MS Comic Sans MS TSCu_Comic
Courier New Courier New Nimbus Mono L
Georgia Georgia Nimbus Roman No9 L
Lucida Console Monaco
Palatino Palatino FreeSerif
Tahoma Geneva Kalimati
Times New Roman Times FreeSerif
Trebuchet MS Helivetica FreeSerif
Verdana Verdana Kalimati
