Everything I've learned In the Second Book!

Styling with CSS(Cascading Style Sheet)

Color Chart is this:
Each color is made up of 6 digits. 2 digits per color. red, green, blue *00 being the least and FF being the most.
The list is, as such: (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E,F), So a color is in the form of #000000 or #FFFFFF.

Black = #000000
Silver = #C0C0C0
Gray = #808080
White = #FFFFFF
Maroon = #800000
Red = #FF0000
Purple = #800080
Fuchia = #FF00FF
Green = #008800
Lime = #00FF00
Olive = #808000
Yellow = #FFFF00
Navy = #000080
Blue = #0000FF
Teal = #008080
Aqua = #00FFFF

Web-Safe colors

Using Web-Safe color Means staying within a range of 3 moves of the color palette where 00 is the darkest and FF is the lightest. For instance:
Safe Numbers would be:

Web-Safe color Range
Dark Red Green Blue Light
Yes 00 00 00
33 33 33
66 66 66
99 99 99

Choosing a color does not mean you need to stay within the Web-safe colors, but it is a great start.
Remember that to Use CSS you need:
Style type = "text/css"
The tag that you want colored without the tag signs
And Remember the {Brackets}

Using HSL color in yourNext Page
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